
  • CAS number 2312-73-4
  • Molecular weight C17H19N5 = 309.4
  • Assay > 98.5 %
  • White crystallie powder
  • BPA is a highly mobile synthetic cytokinin. Foliar spray of BPA increased branching in carnation, chrysan-themum, pointsettia,
  • petu-nia and fuchsia. In no instance did BPA redu-ce plant height. Application of BPA to flower buds at an early stage increased
  • both the diameter and the fresh weight of carnation flowers or chrysanthemum infloresences (Jeffcoat, B. J. of Hort. Sc. 52:143-
  • 153 (1977). In Lilium longiflorum, spraying with BPA resul-ted in delay-ed anthesis and increased dry matter accumulation in
  • flowers under high photosynthetic photon flux. Appli-cation of BPA induced the formation of numerous bul-bils in the leaf axils
  • (Wang YT, Hort Sc. 31 (6) 976-977 (1996).BPA can be used as cytokinin for haploid plant regenera-tion from cultured anthers of
  • strawberry (Owen H.R. and Miller AR. PCR 15: 905-909 (1996).
  • Storage condition
  • Store at 2-8 °C
  • Soluble in ethanol

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