
  • B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D.
  • Nitrate was required in a concentration of 20-30 mM.
  • An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate led to an increase in cellgrowth.
  • NH4+ when added as the sole source of nitrogen, did not support growth.
  • Similar results were obtai-ned when NH4NO3 was substi-tuted for (NH4)2SO4.
  • However, ammonium ions depressed growth when the concen-tration excee-ded 2 mM.
  • Variati-ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi-um resulted in relatively minor chan-ges in growth rate.
  • Thiamine is known to be an essenti-al nutrient for cell growth and is increa-sed in concentrati-on up to 10 mg/l.
  • B5 medium has been defined for the growth of cell suspensions of soybean root cells in the presence of 2,4 D. Nitrate was required in a concentration of 20-30 mM.
  • An addition of 2 mM ammoniumsulphate led to an increase in cellgrowth.
  • NH4+ when added as the sole source of nitrogen, did not support growth.
  • Similar results were obtai-ned when NH4NO3 was substi-tuted for (NH4)2SO4.
  • However, ammonium ions depressed growth when the concen-tration excee-ded 2 mM.
  • Variati-ons in the concentrations of phosphate, calcium and magnesi-um resulted in relatively minor chan-ges in growth rate.
  • Thiamine is known to be an essenti-al nutrient for cell growth and is increa-sed in concentrati-on up to 10 mg/l.

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