Antibiotics / Selective agents
- CAS number 36791-04-5
- Molecular weight C8H12N4O5 = 244.2
- Assay > 98 %
- Ribavirin is a synthetic nucleoside analogue structurally related to guanine. Ribavirine inhibits the replication of a wide range of
- RNA and DNA viruses. The antiviral mechanism of action of Ribavirin is not fully defined, but relates to alteration of cellular
- nucleotide pools and inhibition of viral mRNA synthesis. Intracellular phosphorylation of ribavirin into phosphate derivatives is
- mediated by host cell enzymes. Ribavirin monophosphates competatively inhibit cellular inosine-5’-phosphate dehydrogenase
- and interfere with the synthesis of guanosine triphospha-te (GTP) and thus nucleic acid synthesis in general. Ribavirin
- triphosphate also competively inhibits the GTP dependent 5’-capping of viral mRNA.
- Storage condition
- Store at room temperature
- Freely soluble in water
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