מק"ט: F5123.1000

  • 1 kg
  • mFS (modified Fieldhouse Sasser medium) has been developed to detect black rot in brassica.
  • This medium is complementary to mCS20ABN (C5122) due to some alternative antibiotics.
  • Modifications concern the addition of extra starch and omission of gentamycin.
  • Contaminated seed lots can be detected by dilution plating of the bacterial extract on mCS20ABN and mFS.
  • Suspected isolates are then transferred to YDC.
  • Finally, the identity of the suspected isolates can be determined by a pathogenicity test using brassica seedlings.
  • The colonies of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc) and Xanthomonas campestris pv. amoraciae (Xca) on mFS medium are pale green to transparant, mucoid and surrounded by a small zone of starch hydrolysis.
  • Colonies are in general smaller than on mCS20ABN and may show remarkable variation in size and may be visible only after 5-6 days.
  • For detailed information about Duchefa’s Phytopathological media have a look at our specialized brochure about this topic.
  • Brochure can be found at the “Brochure section” at the home page of this website.

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