Reagents & Biochemicals
- CAS number 367-93-1
- Molecular weight C9H18O5S = 238.3
- Assay > 98.5 %
- Water < 1 %
- Spec. Opt. Rot. (-) 31 – 33
- Isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactoside, IPTG is a chemical analogue of galactose that cannot be cleaved by ß-galactosidase. Functioning
- as an analogue, IPTG binds and inhibits the powerful lac repressor, strongly inducing the production of ß-galactosidase..IPTG is
- used in conjunction with X-Gal for detection of lac+ colonies or cells in a colorimetric assay, in order to distinguish recombinants
- (white) from non recombinants (blue) in cloning strategies using vectors like Lamb-da-11, M13m-p18 and 19, pUC18 and 19,
- pUR222 containing the lacZ gene. For more detailed information see X-Gal.
- Storage condition
- Store at -25 to -15 ºC
- Soluble in water and ethanol
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