Antibiotics / Selective agents
- CAS number 108321-42-2
- Molecular weight C20H40N4O10.2H2SO4 = 692.7
- Assay :> 650 microg / mg
- G-418 is an aminoglycoside antibioticum and is applied as a selective agent in transformation experiments. The antibioticum
- binds to the 30S subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome, thereby inhibiting protein synthesis as well as generating errors in the
- transcription of the genetic code. Ribosomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts of higher plants are related to bacterial ribosomes
- and are also susceptible to aminoglycosides. Being a derivative of gentamycin, the antibioticum contains a additional 3’OH that
- can be phosphorylated by NPT II. As a result of this phosporylation, the charge and the steriometric conformation of the G-418
- molecule changes in such a way that the antibioticum is no longer capable of binding to the specific ribosome binding sites.G-418
- is used as an alternative for kanamycin in monocots, e.g., rice, Lolium, Graminea which are highly resistant to the latter. In all
- cases G-418 was shown to be more effective. This is most probably due to the better binding characteristics of the gentamycine
- shaped structure of G-418.
- Storage condition
- Store at 2-8 °C
- Soluble in water
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