מיקרו-פלטות לבדיקה - Assay Microplates

HTS Transwell 96-well Receiver Plate
(Corning - קורנינג)
- The HTS Transwell-96 permeable support has an array of 96-wells with membrane inserts connected by a rigid, robotics-friendly tray that enables all 96 inserts to be handled as a single unit.
- Choice of either polyester (PET) membrane (0.4 µm, 1.0 µm, and 8.0 µm pore sizes) or polycarbonate (PC) membrane (0.4 µm, 3.0 µm, and 5.0 µm pore sizes) 0.143 cm² membrane area per well, providing 20% to 50% more surface area for cell growth than other commercially available systems Large apical and basolateral access ports allow efficient media sampling and facilitate automated or manual access.
- Optimized for automation, with multichannel feeder ports, improved gripping surface, and standard bar codes The reservoir plate allows for simultaneous feeding of 96 wells and comes with a removable media stabilizer to reduce the risk of spills during handling The receiver plate isolates each well to enable 96 individual assays.
- Sterile The HTS Transwell-96 systems (0.4 µm PC, 0.4 µm PET, and 1.0 µm PET) are packaged with the 96-well insert plate in a reservoir plate and includes the 96-well receiver plate with lid.
- The HTS Transwell-96 plates (3.0 and 5.0 µm PC, 8.0 µm PET) are packaged with the 96-well insert plate in the 96-well receiver plate with lid.
- Sterile.
- Reservoir plates may be purchased separately.
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