- CAS number 71010-52-1
- Loss on drying < 15 %
- Gel strength 400 – 700 g/cm2
- Gelrite is a naturally-derived gelling polymer that can be used in a variety of applications as a solidification agent instead of agar.
- Produced by microbial fermentation, Gelrite is a highly purified natural anionic polysaccharide without the variations commonly
- associated with agar. Gelrite forms rigid, brittle, agar like gels at approximately half the use level of agar in presence of soluble
- salts like Mg2+ and Ca2+. Gels prepared with Gelrite- are remarkably clear in comparison to those formed with agar. Gelrite
- contains no contaminating matters (e.g., phenolic com-pounds) as found in agar that are toxic to certain sensitive organisms.Li-
- Chun Huang, Toshio Murashige et al. Effects of common components on hardness of culture media prepared with Gelrite. In
- Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol. 31: 84-89, April 1995. Society for in Vitro Biology
- Storage condition
- Store at room temperature
- Soluble in water
- Gel strength: 400 – 700 g/cm2
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