Cryobag Thawing
How it works
Cryobag Thawing
How it works

Cryobag Thawing

(Biolife Solutions)


  • Consistent Thawing – Automated algorithm driven
    thawing with biomaterial temperature sensing
  • Easy Operation – Intuitive software interface allows
    access control, enforcement of QC procedures, and
    optimized thawing algorithms. Compatible with common
    cryobag form factors from major manufacturers.
  • Biomaterial Safety – Single use Barrier Bag reduces
    the risk of biomaterial loss, and/or contamination; and
    positions cryobag for optimal thaw performance.
  • Precise and Reliable – Patent-pending heating
    technology and real-time temperature-sensing analytics
    manage heat application for a reliable and documented
  • An uneditable thaw archive is stored in internal

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