Corning 500 mL transfectagro Reduced-serum Medium, [+] HEPES, glutagro, and sodium pyruvate

Corning 500 mL transfectagro Reduced-serum Medium, [+] HEPES, glutagro, and sodium pyruvate

(Corning - קורנינג)

מק"ט: 40-300-CV

  • For reduced serum culture conditions.
  • Corning transfectagro Reduced Serum Medium is designed to maximize the growth of a variety of cell types under reduced serum conditions, generally allowing for at least a 50% reduction in serum use with minimal adaptation.
  • transfectagro has also been proven to improve transient transfection efficiency in a variety of cell types.
  • This is a chemically-defined, reduced serum formulation of Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium for greater buffering capacity.

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