Reagents & Biochemicals
- CAS number 298-93-1
- Molecular weight C18H16BrN5S = 414.3
- Assay > 98 %
- MTT is a water soluble salt of tetrazolium salt yielding a yellowish -solution when prepared in media or salt solutions lacking phenol red. By cleavage of the
- tetrazolium ring by dehydrogenase enzymes, dissolved MTT is converted into insoluble purple formazan. This water insoluble formazan can be solubilized
- using isopropanol or other solvents and the dissolved material is measured spectrophotometrically yielding maximum absorbance at 565 nm as a function
- of concentration of converted dye.
- Storage condition
- Store at 2-8 °C
- Soluble in water
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