Corning 500mL MEM (Minimum Essential Medium)

Corning 500mL MEM (Minimum Essential Medium)

(Corning - קורנינג)

מק"ט: 15-015-CV

  • [-] L-glutamine, calcium, magnesium Minimum Essential Medium (MEM) is a common cell culture medium developed from early work using Basal Medium Eagle (BME) with normal mammalian fibroblasts and certain subtypes of HeLa cells.
  • This research indicated that additions made to BME aided cell propagation.
  • MEM is modified with higher concentrations of amino acids to more closely approximate the protein composition of mammalian cells.
  • When supplemented with serum, MEM has been used for cultivation of a wide variety of cells grown in monolayers, such as fibroblasts.
  • This version has been formulated without Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Sulfate and L-glutamine, which are needed for cell adherence.

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