תעודת הסמכה-ISO
ISO מעודכן עד 2022...
Confocal Imaging Tips for LSM 7/8 systems: Z-stack Refractive Index Correction
Here we cover Refractive Index Correction as one of the tools in ZEN when acquiring z stacks. Basic knowledge on LSM is recommended, in particular
Setting up z-stacksRefractive indices of your embedding medium, objective lens and immersionTh...
How to use Extended Depth of Focus (EDF image) on a manual microscope
Using this method you can combine the sharp regions from the individual sections of a Zstack image to form an extended depth of focus (EDF) single image. The focus planes of all the z-positions will be calculated to one EDF image. This enables you to...
Mysteries of the display curve revealed
Questions often come up during trainings about the display function in ZEN software that we hope to clarify in this short “how to”. First, let’s define what the histogram in the display tab shows us. Let us take as an example the image below. Along t...